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8 Tips on How to Hydrate Dry Hair for a Healthy Glow

Hydrate dry hair, Keeping your hydration levels up is vital for healthy-looking hair. But some of us are prone to drier locks than others – and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Dry hair can be common amongst those with naturally curly or coarse hair, or even as the result of a reaction to a new product or climate. But no matter what your hair type, you can make it healthier with the right hydrating techniques.And it’s not just about drinking more water! There are many ways you can boost moisture in your hair, especially if you struggle with dry strands on a regular basis. Keeping the correct balance of both oils and water in your hair will help keep it soft and willing to bend instead of breaking – no matter how tightly it’s curled.

How to hydrate dry hair

Dry hair can feel brittle and tangle easily, especially if you’re dealing with curly hair. This is because dry hair has a lower amount of natural oils, which are the substances that naturally keep your hair smooth and hydrated.To make your hair more hydrated, try to increase the amount of water you drink throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your hair hydrated by washing away any impurities, which can lead to an increase in oil production. Drinking enough water will also help prevent hair from becoming brittle, as it’ll keep your hair from drying out, which is a common issue for those with dry hair.

How to hydrate dry hair
How to hydrate dry hair | trendingcult

Try an oil treatment

For dry, coarse hair, an oil treatment can be a great way to hydrate your strands and add moisture back into your hair. An oil treatment is when you apply a heavy oil to the ends of your hair and leave it overnight, or for a few hours. Oils are very hydrating and are a natural way to add some extra moisture back into your hair. This is particularly useful if you’re trying to hydrate really dry hair or ends. Some good oils to use include coconut, argon, and sweet almond. Coconut oil, in particular, is great for hydrating dry hair. Coconut oil is an excellent source of protein, which is a vital nutrient for healthy hair. A coconut oil hair treatment can help boost hair growth, prevent hair breakage, and moisturize dry, brittle hair.

Try an oil treatment
Try an oil treatment | trendingcult

Swap your shampoo

If your hair is dry and brittle, you could be washing it too much with a shampoo that’s too harsh for your hair. Shampoos that are too alkaline can strip your hair of its natural oils, making it dry and brittle. Instead, opt for a gentler, more moisturizing shampoo that’s designed for dry hair.If you’re unsure of what shampoo to use, ask your stylist or check out online reviews to find out which is best for your hair type. You can also look for moisturizing and fortifying shampoos that have amino acids, proteins, or vitamins to help nourish and strengthen your hair.

Swap your shampoo
Swap your shampoo | trendingcult

Shower with conditioner

Conditioner and dry hair go hand-in-hand. But conditioners are meant to be applied to clean hair and left on a little longer than shampoo. In fact, it’s recommended to leave shampoo on for five to 10 minutes, and conditioner for 10 to 20 minutes. When you’re showering, you should be focusing on cleaning your hair, not just conditioning it. That’s why it’s important to use the right amount of shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. If your hair is very dry, you may need to use a large amount of conditioner to get your strands as smooth and healthy as possible. Be sure to rinse it out thoroughly so you don’t leave any residue behind that could weigh down your hair.

Shower with conditioner
Shower with conditioner | trendingcult

Go for a hair mask

A hair mask is a treatment you leave on your hair for 10 to 15 minutes once or twice a week. It’s a great way to hydrate dry hair, and can be used on all hair types. There are tons of different hair masks available on the market, so it’s important to choose one that has ingredients that will benefit your hair type. Some ingredients to look for include: coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, honey, argan oil, avocado oil, and aloe vera. When choosing a hair mask, make sure the ingredients are natural and that they’re designed for your hair type. Also, keep in mind that hair masks are generally pretty expensive, so if you’re on a budget it might be a good idea to make your own!

hair mask
hair mask | trendingcult

Invest in a humidifier

Humidifiers add moisture to the air, which can help your hair if it’s particularly dry. Dry air can cause your hair to become brittle, dry, and damaged, so humidifiers can be a great addition to dry hair treatments. Humidifiers are pretty affordable and can be used in your bedroom, living room, and even your bathroom. If you’re trying to hydrate very dry hair, it might be a good idea to use a humidifier in your bedroom at night, or even during the day if you notice your hair is extra dry. You can also try spritzing your hair with water throughout the day, as this will help add extra moisture to your hair and help prevent it from becoming brittle.

Invest in a humidifier
Invest in a humidifier | trendingcult

Use a wet brush

A wet brush is used when you’re washing your hair, and helps to detangle your hair. It works especially well on thick or curly hair, and can be especially helpful for those with long hair. A wet brush is designed to work best when your hair is wet, which means it’s easier to detangle your hair without tugging at it. For most people, using a wet brush while they’re drying their hair is recommended, as this helps to reduce breakage after you’ve finished washing your hair. Using a wet brush when your hair is wet can help distribute conditioner and shampoo throughout your strands and make them easier to brush out when they’re dry. It can also help to prevent hair breakage if your hair is very long or thick.

Use a wet brush
Use a wet brush | trendingcult

Mask more often.

While hair masks are super helpful for hydrating dry hair, you may have to use them more often than others. Talk to your stylist about how often you should be using a hair treatment, and what ingredients would be best for your hair type.If you have very dry hair, you may want to apply a hair mask every other day or every few days. The more often you apply a hair mask, the more quickly it will work to hydrate dry hair. Good hair masks should be applied to your hair when it’s still wet, and then left on for at least 10 minutes before rinsing out.


Keeping your hydrate dry hair is important, but it can be challenging when it’s dry. This is especially true if you have curls, as they’re naturally drier than straight hair. Luckily, there are many ways to hydrate dry hair – all you have to do is pick the method that works best for you. Dry hair can be challenging to manage, but there are lots of ways to hydrate it. You can drink more water, use a gentler shampoo, apply a hair mask, or use a humidifier to add moisture to your strands. With the right techniques, you can keep your hair looking and feeling healthy, even when it’s dry.

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