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Under Eye Bags

7 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Under Eye Bags

Get Rid of Under Eye Bags

Depending on your genetics and general health, you may find that your under-eye area is prone to developing dark circles or “bags” from time to time. While genetics plays a role in making some people more prone to developing these conditions than others, there are some simple lifestyle habits you can adopt to help reduce the appearance of these dark areas. Whether you have light or prominent under-eye bags, there are some simple things you can do to reduce their visibility — and we’re not just talking about the old wives’ tale of putting cucumbers over your eyes! These tips specifically target the under-eye area and work to reduce the appearance of darkness using home remedies and lifestyle changes. Follow these 7 pro tips to get rid of under eye bags.

1. Eat well and exercise

The first step to getting rid of under-eye bags is to make sure you’re eating a healthy diet. Specifically, you want to make sure your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals that have anti-aging properties, such as vitamins C, E, and K, selenium, and niacin. You also want to make sure you’re getting enough protein and healthy fats in your diet. Similarly, you also want to make sure you’re getting plenty of water and getting some exercise every day. Physical activity releases endorphins in the brain, which can reduce feelings of stress that can contribute to under eye bags. Making sure your diet and lifestyle habits are in check will help reduce the appearance of under eye bags and help you look and feel your best.

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Get Rid of Under Eye Bags | Trendingcult

2. Use a concealer with yellow tones

If you’re dealing with under-eye bags and you want to cover them up with a concealer, you want to make sure the concealer you choose has a yellow tone to it. The yellow-toned concealer will counteract the bluish-purplish tones in under-eye bags and help them blend into your skin tone. If you’re someone who applies makeup on a regular basis, make sure you have a concealer with a yellow tone in your makeup bag. A yellow-toned concealer will work as a long-lasting solution to reducing the appearance of under eye bags.

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Get Rid of Under Eye Bags | Trendingcult

3. Use vitamin c and k Beauty products

There are a few beauty products that are known to help reduce the appearance of under-eye bags. Vitamin C serums are one of the best beauty products to help reduce the appearance of under-eye bags. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that brightens the skin. Studies show that applying vitamin c serum to the under-eye area can help reduce the appearance of under-eye bags. Similarly, k beauty products are also great for reducing the appearance of under-eye bags. K beauty products such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin c, and retinol are known to help reduce the appearance of under-eye bags. Make sure to research the products you want to buy and read the ingredients to make sure they have the ingredients you’re looking for.

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Get Rid of Under Eye Bags | Trendingcult

4. Try an infrared light therapy device

If you want to get rid of under-eye bags quickly, infrared light therapy is the way to go. An infrared light therapy device uses invisible infrared light to heat up collagen and elastin in the under-eye area. This leads to quicker skin repair and the growth of new collagen and elastin in the under-eye area. In one study, infrared light therapy was shown to reduce the appearance of under eye bags after just 90 days of use. If you want to get rid of under-eye bags quickly, infrared light therapy is your best bet. Keep in mind that infrared light therapy is a long-term investment. While you’ll see results faster than with other methods, it’s a good idea to use the device daily for a couple of months to make sure you get the desired results.

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Get Rid of Under Eye Bags | Trendingcult

5. Try a collagen cream

If you’re looking for an inexpensive and easy way to reduce the appearance of under eye bags, try applying a collagen cream regularly. Collagen is a protein found naturally in the skin that helps keep the skin hydrated, firm, and youthful. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen naturally, which leads to wrinkles and under-eye bags. Applying a collagen cream daily to the under eye area can help your skin produce more collagen and reduce the appearance of under eye bags. Be sure to find a collagen cream that has a high percentage of collagen in it. Generally, the higher the percentage, the better it is. A good rule of thumb is to find a collagen cream that has 10,000 mg or higher of collagen per 4 oz.

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Get Rid of Under Eye Bags | Trendingcult

6. Try an egg-based beauty masks

If you want an inexpensive and easy way to reduce the appearance of under eye bags, try applying an egg-based beauty mask. Applying an egg-based beauty mask to the under eye area can help reduce the appearance of under eye bags. Eggs are rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that help firm, hydrate, and reduce the appearance of under eye bags. To make an egg-based beauty mask, you need to separate the egg white from the yolk and apply it to the under-eye area. Let the mask sit under your eyes for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Repeat this process once a week to reduce the appearance of under eye bags.

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Get Rid of Under Eye Bags | Trendingcult

7. Try a clay mask for dry skin care

Most people might not think of applying a clay mask to the under eye area, but it’s actually a great way to reduce the appearance of under eye bags. Clay masks are known to draw out impurities from the skin, including dirt and oil from the under-eye area. This helps reduce the appearance of under eye bags. Make sure you buy a clay mask that is specifically for dry skin because it will be less harsh and contain fewer oils than other clay masks. It’s best to apply the clay mask before you go to bed so it can work its magic while you sleep.

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Get Rid of Under Eye Bags | Trendingcult


Under eye, bags are a common problem that many people experience. While genetics play a role in causing under-eye bags, there are a few easy ways to get rid of them. To get rid of under-eye bags, you can start by eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. You can also use a concealer with yellow tones, apply vitamin C serums, use a k beauty product, try an infrared light therapy device, apply a collagen cream, try an egg-based beauty mask, or apply a clay mask for dry skin care.

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