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5 Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy When You’re On Vacation

Keep Your Kids Busy On Vacation

Planning a family vacation can be stressful, especially if you’re traveling with kids. There are so many details to consider: Do you book an all-inclusive resort? Or maybe a cruise is the best option for your family? Thinking about the logistics of your trip can be overwhelming. If you’re like most parents, planning a vacation with your kids fills you with dread rather than excitement. Bringing them along means more time-consuming arrangements, babysitters, and expensive tickets. But don’t be disheartened! Vacations are great opportunities for families to bond and create new memories together. Read on to learn how to keep your kids busy when you’re on vacation this summer.

Plan for an early arrival

If you’ve ever been on vacation with a toddler, then you know that they have short attention spans and need to be entertained constantly. While you may have planned a relaxing getaway, your little one might be overly excited or anxious because they aren’t yet familiar with the environment. If you’re flying somewhere, plan to arrive there earlier than your actual travel date. This will give you an extra day to explore the city at a pace that is more suitable for young children. If you’re driving, try to break up the trip into multiple segments so that your kids don’t get too worn out.

1. Have a meal plan ready

Communicate with your hotel or resort to find out what their policies are with regard to food allergies and special diets. If you have any family members with dietary restrictions, make sure to notify the hotel upon check-in so that they can be sure to accommodate them. If there is a kitchen at your hotel, you can pack your own food for breakfast and light snacks. This way, you can make sure that your kids are eating healthy and nutritious meals. It’s also helpful to make a grocery list before you leave so you know what you need when you get there. If you’re staying at a resort, you can also make arrangements to have meals delivered to your room. While vacation is a great time to eat healthily, you should also make sure to schedule in some treats for your kids. They’ll be less likely to complain if they know they have a special treat waiting for them at the end of the day.

2. Bring along your favorite snacks

If you have a picky eater, you might be worried about finding healthy and nutritious meals on vacation. If your child has a food allergy or is on a special diet, you might find it even more difficult to find suitable meals. Make sure to bring along some of your child’s favorite snacks and treats so they don’t go hungry.If you have a baby, you can pack small portions of purees in ice cube trays so that you can easily feed them. If you’re bringing along formula or breast milk, don’t forget to bring a cooler so you can keep it fresh.

3. Pack some games and activities

If you’re worried that your kids will get bored and restless, pack some fun activities for them to do in your hotel room. You can pack toys, puzzles, books, and board games to keep your kids entertained and engaged. If you’re visiting the beach, a park, or some other outdoor space, bring along toys that can be used in the water. You can also purchase inexpensive swim toys and water toys at most beach shops.If you’re visiting an indoor attraction or museum, be sure to pack a stroller or carrier so that you can easily transport your little ones.

4. Make it a game

If you’re traveling with younger children, you’ll want to make sure that they get plenty of outdoor time. You can make it a game by setting a timer and trying to find as many things as you can that start with the letter “C” (like cats, cows, and cars). If you’re visiting a new city, find out if there are any scavenger hunts that you can join. If you’re visiting a well-known destination, try to think of creative ways to make your visit more interesting for your kids. Are there any museums or exhibits that they would like to see? Is there a famous landmark that you can visit? Is there a popular tourist attraction that you can go to?

5. Take baby- CPR classes

If you’re traveling with young children (or infants), it might be a good idea to take a baby- first- aid or CPR class. This will give you the knowledge and skills that you need to stay safe and care for your children in an emergency. If you’re visiting a new or unfamiliar place, you might need to call 9-1-1 in an emergency. If you have a young child with you, you’ll want to know what to say and what information to provide the operator. Make sure to learn the emergency numbers in the area where you’ll be traveling. If you have an infant, it’s a good idea to inform the airline of their special needs. Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate in case you need to show it to an airline representative.


Bringing your kids on vacation can be a fun and educational experience for your family. To make the most of your vacation time, it’s important to plan ahead and be prepared. There are many ways that you can keep your kids busy and engaged while on vacation. From packing games and activities to making them a game, you can find ways to engage your kids and keep them from getting bored.

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